Sunday, May 4, 2008

recycling 3

nerd vs nerd
Current mood: crushed

i hope everyone enjoys the new digs, courtesy of my designer boyfriend (ba dum CHING! not from louis vuitton). it came by way of much struggle and heartache.

the conversation went something like this...

me: do you always diss your students' work?

he: no, only when it sucks. and i don't diss their work, i just tell them what's wrong with it.

me: oh thanks! you save the dissing for me!

he: what do you mean?

me: you're always dissing my myspace page!

he: yeah...cus... well.. it sucks


he: [tenderly places his hand over mine, looks deep into my eyes and says through his beautiful eyelashes] hon i tell you it sucks because i love you.

me: some love!

----later in the car----

me: i'm still bitter. page hater! [strongest insult i can think of...]

he: well it sucks though! the colours make it hard to read, and you use comic sans-


he: that's what people use when they want to be cool

me: i don't care about being cool. its my favourite font! i think it's cute! I use it all the time! (having flashbacks of blurting this out at his department barbecue. now i know why his fellow designer gave me such a pained smile)

he: yeah i know. but you need to use something else like

me: i'm NOT using arial or helvetica or stupid times new roman

he: whwhwWHAT?! those are the best fonts! well arial, helvetica and verdana-

me: ok verdana is alright

he: those 3 are the classic fonts... or you can use century gothic. times new roman is too plain

me: yeah i like century gothic.

he: yeah but if you choose it, and some people dont have it on their computer, it'll revert to

me: times new roman and that would suck

he: yeah

me: i can't believe we just argued about fonts. FONTS! you're such a nerd.

he: i'm not a nerd

me: uh, you were just blazing me about the font i use. you're a nerd, hon.

he: well ... i'm a designer. i think of these things.

me: you think of these things and more which is why you avoid my page like the plague. NOW i know why you never post comments in my blog.

he: well i used to wonder why i avoided your page so much. i mean i would read everyone else's. how come i never read my girlfriend's blog?

me: because your subconscious is silently willing the spontaneous combustion of your eyeballs the moment you click my name!

he: that's not-

me: because you have a visceral reaction to my psychedelic colour scheme

he: well.... YEAH! your colours! why..? what made you choose those things? together?!

me: i LIKE those colours!

he: just because you like them, doesn't mean they belong together.

me: well i like purple, and well black... but the lime green is kinda nasty. i just couldnt be bothered to change the code.

he: well it's gotta be changed

me: YOU'RE the designer. YOU change it!


and there you have it. the story behind the making of the new blog. not quite enough to pitch to the networks as a reality show. not enough sex i guess.

the white space kind of irked me at first. i keep waiting for it to fill up with colour... or something. all that emptiness. but the banner is hot because those are my pictures that he jazzed up and made all fancy like.

still waiting for him to swoop in and change my profile so its as snazzy as the blogspace.

i'm still struck by the fact that we had a loud argument about fonts. FONTS.

F O N T S.

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