Thursday, May 22, 2008

oooooooh thursdays

tonight is a 2 hr grey's anatomy season finale. 45 mins into the first hour we have the line of the night
'you wont die. and i wont die. i'm not finished loving you yet'

*le tear!*

and in other news, we drove waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up into grande riviere yesterday to see leatherback turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. that is the COOLEST thing EVER. the turtles are huge. and they know what they have to do and just do it. then roll out. pfft. no scene. there were a few turtle 'bad drives' - one colliding fin to face with another as they dragged themselves along the beach to find the RIGHT spot to dig a hole and deposit their eggs. the bigger turtle won out on that one.
its cool how they use their back fins to scoop out the sand, and then scoop and pat it back on top. they curve their back fins just like hands.
A M A Z I N G.

God's creations. too cool!
i only wish we'd stayed overnight so i could have taken pics of turtles at dawn. you can't use flash because that disorients them and there wasn't enough moonlight at 10 clock to let my piddly no-flash setting on my cam work to capture anything.

buuuuuut.... check it out

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